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Graphic Design

Wished you had access to a professional graphic designer for your personal or professional needs? Do you need a poster, post card, CD cover, or flyer designed? Look no further! Our graphic designers can help you design anything from your logo, business cards and letterhead, to posters, advertisements, and brochures.

Just send us your photos or digital files, and we can touch-up your photos, edit them (e.g. remove background), colorize or make portions black & white, smooth out wrinkles, remove pimples, lose some weight, or lay them up in to a collage for a poster or post card. We can help you look your best.

Simply call 201-222-1103 or email us to learn more about our graphic design services.



How Quickly?
Depends on jobs ahead of you. Rush fee may apply.

Input File Format
Digital, film or prints

Graphic Design Services
$100/hr, $25 mininum
   (in 15 min increments)