Mimosa Headshots and Comp Cards Printing Logo
Order your headshot printing and comp card printing now Headshot printing and reproductions Comp Card printing Mimosa Digital Actor Forum


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Request a Quote
To request a quote, please click on the button below:

Request Quote

Order By Mail
To place your order by mail, please mail your prints or files to us at:

Mimosa Headshots
100 Hudson Street, Floor 2
Hoboken, NJ 07030

We suggest you email or call us before dropping it in the mail, so we know to expect your items in the mail. We will contact you to confirm the order once we receive your mail.

Upload to FTP Site
If you are having difficulties uploading your files on our web site and wish to submit it via FTP, please call us at 201-683-9132 or email help@mimosaheadshots.com to request the FTP site and password for your use.

