Mimosa Headshots and Comp Cards Printing Logo
Order your headshot printing and comp card printing now Headshot printing and reproductions Comp Card printing Mimosa Digital Actor Forum


Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. Can you change my color photo to black and white?
A1. Yes. Using our online headshot design tool, you will be able to change your image to B&W for your headshot print.

Q2. Do I get my original back?
A2. Yes. If it has to be shipped back to you, we do not insure your original or assume responsibility for loss or damage to your original while in transit.

Q3. How much text can I have on my prints?
A3. As much as your little heart desires! We recommend less is more, however. Graphic design charges apply when there is a lot of text and complex layouts involved.

Q4. Can I get rush turnaround?
A4. Yes, same day rush turaround is available, depending on work schedule for the day. Same day rush turnaround for print jobs is within 4 hours (must be in before 2pm).

Q5. Can you use negatives or slides?
A5. Yes, we can work with just about any digital and film formats including 35mm color neg, 35mm B&W neg, 35mm mounted slides, 120 color neg, 120 B&W neg.

Q6. Can you color match?
A6. Due to difference in paper characteristics and printing methods, we do not promise an exact match, although we strive to come close (we usually print something that looks better!). We focus on skin tones, as well as an overall pleasing color balance.

Q7. Do you only deal with digital files?
No, but we encourage and help people to upgrade and convert their non-digital files into digital files, so that you have more flexibility to make full use of them. For example, we develop and print rolls of film and can also digitize the negatives to a CD. We convert VHS tapes to DVDs for actors who wish to have a DVD portfolio to show or video clip on their own web site (popular for stand-up comedians).

Q8. Since you print headshots and comp cards, do you also print regular photos? What about poster-size prints?
A8. Yes, we also offer retail services such as photo prints from film and memory cards, photo books, and enlargements to poster prints and Giclee fine art prints. We provide additional services such as high-speed scanning and custom framing. We service both professional photographers and consumers. More information about retail services may be found on our retail web site: www.mimosadigital.com. If there is something you would like us to offer, but don’t see it posted anywhere, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help – don’t be shy to ask!

Q9. What is a bleed? How do I ensure my job prints with color to the edge of the page?
A9. See our Designing with Bleed web page for detailed information on bleed and helpful templates for designing postcards.


100 Hudson Street, Floor 2
Hoboken, NJ 07030

(201) 683-9132


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